Former SNH48 joining Japanese Idol Group 'P.IDL'

Some news came from former SNH48 member Shen Zhilin. Ex member of SNH48's second generation officially became the new member of an idol group from Japan named 'P.IDL'.

snh48 pidl

Not only Zhilin, her twin who is a former idol group Tingkok Cherry Girls, Shen Zhijin was officially a new member of the group.

It was known after the official site group P.IDL issued a new member announcement named Miyo (Zhilin) ​​and Aiko (Zhijin).

There P.IDL also announced the debut of the two new members from China that will be done on the Tokyo Expo stage! 2018 on April 24, 2018. P.IDL also provided information that the two were learning Japanese to communicate with fans.

With the addition of members from China this can improve the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and China that have not been going well for 45 years.

P.IDL also wants to be a bridge between Japan-China relations in 40 years of friendship and peace of both countries.