HKT48 Yamamoto Mao announces graduation

HKT48 Yamamoto Mao.jpg

Member HKT48 Yamamoto Mao has announced her graduation from the group. This was announced by Yamamoto when Team H held the show 'Tadaima Renaichuu [た だ い ま 恋愛 中]', April 11, 2018.

In the announcement, Yamamoto revealed, "Me, Yamamaoto Mao will graduate from HKT48." Regarding the reason for her graduation, Yamamoto revealed, "I want to feel a new atmosphere / environment, and want to go abroad and my dreams are getting stronger."

Team H 'Theater no Megami Theater [シ ア タ ー の 女神]' to be held on May 21, 2018 will be Yamamoto's graduation theater show.

Yamamoto Mao joined the group in November 2013 as the 1st Generation member of Draft Kaigi. Yamaoto was promoted to Team H in February 2014.