SNH48 invited by Croatian government

SNH48 GROUP was carrying out a music video for the new sousenkyo single a few days ago in the country of Croatia.

Filming was precisely carried out in the capital city of the 2018 World Cup runner-up, Zagreb.

Interestingly, SNH48 members received a positive response from the local government for their visit to Croatia.

As reported by the news portal Croatian tourists, revealed that a popular idol group from China had been filming in the Croatian capital.

SNH48 also received an invitation from the President of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce 'Luka Burilović' to talk a little.

In the meeting with SNH48 members, the president conveyed several pleasant expressions.

The president said that from the filming location taken in the City of Zagreb, it became a great promotional activity to introduce tourism to the East there.

Even in the near future the Croatian tourism office in Shanghai will open next month.

According to one magazine in China, Croatia is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Chinese society, this is evidenced by the number of tourists reaching more than 200,000 people.